
Sunday, February 6, 2011

World through your lens

At the recent seminar which was on citizen journalism at Jinnah University for women (JUW), speaker was Ovais mangalwala producer and anchor of channel Dawn news. He told us about the citizen journalist, in his word citizen journalist is defined as "when the people use the tools of journalism in order to communicate with each other." while addressing to the students he mention the four types of citizen journalism.

  1.  Sharing of experience.
  2.  Sharing of opinion.
  3.  Sharing of discovery.
  4.  Sharing of expertise.

He also promotes the show which dawn Channel is going to start naming "MERI NAZAR" they provide the local citizen a platform to take part in it by capturing the image, make videos and send it to the dawn news and become a citizen journalist.

Mr.Mangalawala sum up his lecture by giving some key points which is important for citizen journalism:

  1.  What u share it must be real.
  2.  Events are around find it and cover it.
  3.  Give your own point of view.
  4.  Keep your eyes open everything can be reported
  5.  Be descriptive but not exaggerate.
  6.  Accuracy is the key so Be accurate.
  7.  Work on writing style and selection of words.
  8.  Follow the code of conduct.
  9.  Find those people who give you some feedback.
  10.  Don't ever think that what you are doing is a boring job.
  11.  Avoid plagiarism.

 I personally found this lecture very interesting and this is a good effort by Dawn to encourage people.


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